When She Sang Him a Lullaby

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To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

Song Lyrics

When She Sang Him a Lullaby

When did Jesus first learn how to love us?

Did he learn from the ones who had loved him on earth?

Did his heart feel the warmth of his mother’s embrace?

And is that where he first learned how much every soul is worth?

Could it be he first learned how to care for his flock 

when she nurtured him close by her side?

Was he cradled and wrapped in his mother’s deep love 

when she sang him a lullaby?

When did Jesus first learn compassion?

Did he see acts of kindness from his mothers hands?

Did he see how she cared for the ones who were needy,

And did she show him first how to comfort and understand?

Could it be he first learned how to love little children 

when he saw how she looked in their eyes?

Did she calm them the way she had done that first night, 

when she sang him a lullaby?

He was God’s chosen son, but as a child he would come, 

for in no other way could he learn, 

than to live as a man so that he’d understand 

every feeling or pain or concern.

When did Jesus first know he was chosen?

Did his mother speak often of heaven above?

Did she tell him that one day he’d kneel in the garden 

and atone for our sins, all because of his wondrous love?

Could he know one day he would look down from the cross 

and see the tears that his mother would cry?

Would he long for the time he was safe in her arms 

when she sang him a lullaby?


©2000 By Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

As I wrote the words for this song I thought about how Jesus had such love and compassion when he was on earth. Although he was the Son of God, he must have learned how to love and show compassion through the example of his mother. I’m sure that her influence helped Jesus become the person he was. I like to think that he began learning from her from the first time she held him lovingly and sang him a lullaby. She truly was a wonderful person to have been chosen to be the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ.