When Christmas Came to Be

When Christmas Came to Be Sheet Music Page 1

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To purchase sheet music please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com. 

Song Lyrics

When Christmas Came to Be

If I had been a child then, when Christ was born in Bethlehem,

Would I have seen how Christmas came to be?

If I had been a shepherd boy would my heart be filled with joy

When angels sang of brotherhood and peace?

Would I have seen that star above,

A symbol of God's Gift of Love,

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be?


Would I see the light? Would I follow the star?

Or would I be as some men are:

Blind to something so clear to see.

Is His light inside of me?

Would I hear if He should call?

Would I stand or would I fall

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be. 


If I had knelt beside the hay and seen the child as he lay

Would I have felt the love he had for me?

If I had touched his tiny hand would I begin to understand

The glorious signs and wonders I had seen?

Would I have seen within his eyes the majesty he glorifies,

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be?


Would I see the light? Would I follow the star?

Or would I be as some men are:

Blind to something so clear to see.

Is His light inside of me?

Would I hear if He should call?

Would I stand or would I fall

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be. 


Would I be the same today?

Would I ever disobey

If I'd been there the night the angels sang?


Would I see the light? Would I follow the star?

Or would I be as some men are:

Blind to something so clear to see.

Is His light inside of me?

Would I hear if He should call?

Would I stand or would I fall

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be. 

If I'd been there when Christmas came to be. 


©Copyright 1990 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

This is one of the first Christmas songs I wrote. My husband and I first sang it as a duet. Then I created a 3-part harmony arrangement for my trio Nostalgia to sing, and it became our favorite song to end with in our Christmas programs. Now it is one of my family's favorite Christmas songs to sing together.