The Savior is Born

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

The Savior is Born

It happened in Bethlehem, that night long ago,

When Jesus, the Christ Child, was born to Mary.

Angels rejoiced that all men should know,

"Alleluia, the Savior is born!"

A new star arose giving light to the earth,

Lighting the way to the manger in Bethlehem.

Shepherds and wisemen rejoiced at his birth.

"Alleluia, the Savior is born!"

Born in a stable where cattle are fed,

No warmth of a room and not even a bed.

Despite such beginnings we call hiim our King

And honor Him when the Christms bells ring.

Though time has gone by still the meaning's the same.

We, too, must give love as Christ did in Bethlehem.

Now we'll sing praises and honor his name.

Aleluia, the Savior is born!

©1990 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

This was the first Christmas song I wrote. The message is simple – The Savior is born!  The angels rejoiced, the shepherds and wise men rejoiced and honored him, and we, too, can rejoice and honor him still today at Christmas time and each day as we give love just as Christ gave love. Originally written as a solo, I soon arranged it in parts to be sung in a choir.