That Famous Fruitcake

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

That Famous Fruitcake


The mailman knocked upon my door on Christmas Eve last year,

And he handed me a package as he wished me lots of cheer.

There was no return address, nor any sender's name,

So your guess is as good as mine from where the package came.

I knew I couldn't let that box just sit till Christmas day,

So I opened it to take a peek at what was tucked away.

From the looks and from the shape of it I knew just what it was,

But still I read the card on top signed by my favorite cous. It said,

Here's that famous fruitcake that you sent last Christmas Eve.

It taught me why I'm better off to give than to receive.

It's seen Aunt Edna's windowsill and Uncle Hubert's den,

Till he passed it on to cousin Nell, who gave it to a friend,

Who then traded it for chocolates at the county baking fair.

You should have seen the way it made the judges stop and stare.

Well, somehow in the passing, it got back to Auntie Lou,

And now, with deepest gratitude, it's coming back to you.

I took that cake out of the box, examined it, and then,

I dialed my neighbor on the phone and offered it to him.

Well, he refused, had some excuse of allergies or such,

So I set that lovely fruitcake by the pencils on the hutch.

Well, I never tried to taste it -- guess it was there to stay,

And still it sat there on the shelf upon Memorial Day,

When suddenly my favorite cousin popped into my head,

So, I sent that fruitcake back to her with a note that fondly said,

Here's that famous fruitcake that you sent last Christmas Eve.

It taught me why I'm better off to give than to receive.

It's seen Aunt Edna's windowsill and Uncle Hubert's den,

Till he passed it on to cousin Nell, who gave it to a friend,

Who then traded it for chocolates at the county baking fair.

You should have seen the way it made the judges stop and stare.

Well, somehow in the passing, it got back to Auntie Lou,

And now, with deepest gratitude, it's coming back to you.

For a while she kept that fruitcake safely hidden down the hall.

One time she even framed it, but it fell right off the wall.

But even with the tumble, it only lost a crumb

Which she mended easily with a little bit of gum.

Then sometime in September that fruitcake petrified,

And we all met to bury it--Aunt Edna even cried.

We made a fancy headstone with letters big and red.

My cousin read the eulogy, and this is what it said,

Here lies that famous fruitcake that we sent last Christmas Eve.

It taught us why we're better off to give than to receive.

It's seen Aunt Edna's windowsill and Uncle Hubert's den,

Till he passed it on to cousin Nell, who gave it to a friend,

Who then traded it for chocolates at the county baking fair.

You should have seen the way it made the judges stop and stare.

Well, somehow in the passing, it got back to Auntie Lou,

And now, a proper burial seems the only thing to do.

So watch your mailbox Christmas Eve,

'Cause there might be one for you.

The Story Behind the Song

I know there are a lot of people who don’t like fruitcakes, and this song was written for them. Jokes are often made of trying to get rid of unwanted fruitcakes in creative ways. This song was written about just such a fruitcake. It has been a favorite song to perform at Christmas time while passing a real fruitcake around the group during the song. The one who ended up with it at the end of the song got to keep it. It’s probably the Christmas song we have had the most fun with.