I'll Walk in the Light

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To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

Song Lyrics

I'll Walk in the Light

There's a chill of darkness in the air,

A whispering voice lingers near
With thoughts of anguish and despair,
My heart is trapped by fear.

If I lose sight of what is right
I know I must turn away
And search to find the only light
That will brighten the darkest day.

My Savior is the Light I seek;
He strengthens me when I am weak.
When I follow Him, his light will shine for me.

I'll walk in the light -- I'll open up my heart to Him.
I'll walk in the light and soon I'll start to see
That my Savior's loving arms are waiting patiently for me
If I walk in the light and be true to Him.

I've got to focus on the Lord if I want to see his light.
Reflecting on his sacred word I will keep Him in my sight.
In humble prayer I call on Him to strengthen me each day
That I may find the light within that will help me find my way.

If ever the light I seek is dim,
I'll trust my Savior once again.
When I follow Him, his light will shine for me.

I'll walk in the light -- I'll open up my heart to Him.
I'll walk in the light and soon I'll start to see
That my Savior's loving arms are waiting patiently for me
If I walk in the light and be true to Him.

The world is full of artificial lights that beckon me each day,
But The Light of the World is the only light that will never fade away.

I'll walk in the light -- I'll open up my heart to Him.
I'll walk in the light and soon I'll start to see
That my Savior's loving arms are waiting patiently for me
If I walk in the light and be true to Him.
I'll walk in the light and be true to him.

©Copyright 1993 by Sherri Boekweg


The Story Behind the Song

This song was written to be considered for and EFY (Especially for Youth) album in which the them was "Walk in the Light." At the time, I was participating in a songwriting class at BYU. I was lucky to have the opportunity to record it in the studio associated wit my class, with the assistance of a very talented BYU student. Although it was not selected for the album, it was a special song to me because it reflected my feelings about the Savior, the Light of the World, and the importance of walking in His light.