If The Savior Were Here

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

Song Lyrics

If the Savior Were Here

If the Savior were here his mission would be clear:
He would bring his wandering sheep into his fold.
He would fill every need of the hungry souls he'd feed
With his love and the words he told.

Oh, may my hands be like the Savior's hands,
And may they serve with love and kindness all whom I may see.
Oh, may my heart be filled with love,
The love I'd feel if the Savior were here.

If the Savior were here he would plead for me to care
For the ones who need a shepherd and a friend.
Each is precious to him; may my purpose never dim
As I serve him until the end.

Oh, may my hands be like the Savior's hands,
And may they serve with love and kindness all whom I may see.
Oh, may my heart be filled with love,
The love I'd feel if the Savior were here.

I will heed the Savior's call.
Though my talents may seem small
There is much that I can give and I can do.
I can lift, I can share every burden, every care,
So his love will come shining through.

Oh, may my hands be like the Savior's hands,
And may they serve with love and kindness all whom I may see.
Oh, may my heart be filled with love,
The love I'd feel if the Savior were here.


©Copyright 2006 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

This song came about when I was asked to sing a song of my choice at a visiting teaching (ministering) meeting. I decided that instead of finding a song, I wanted to write a song that would reflect the mission of visiting teaching and ministering. I knew that visiting teaching or ministering is the way we are the Lord's hands here on earth and that if he were here he would be reaching out in love to his sheep. But because he is not here, he has extended the call to each of us to feed his sheep through our calling to minister to others.