I Will Bloom Where I'm Planted

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To purchase the sheet music please contact Sherri Boekweg directly at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com. You can pay with Venmo or PayPal.

Listen to the Song


I Will Bloom Where I'm Planted

I am here in this place for a reason I know,

On a path that will help me to learn and to grow,

For I know it’s all part of God’s plan for me

So I’ll strive to become all He wants me to be.


I will bloom where I’m planted,

I’ll serve where I can,

I will make the world better wherever I am,

I will reach my potential And follow my dreams,

I will bloom where I’m planted

And be the best I can be.


I will choose to be happy no matter what comes,

I will look for the good when each day has begun,

I will choose to look up when the world looks down,

I will choose to be grateful for all that surrounds me.

I will bloom where I’m planted,

I’ll serve where I can,

I will make the world better wherever I am,

I will reach my potential And follow my dreams,

I will bloom where I’m planted

And be the best I can be.

dreams, I will bloom where I’m planted

And be the best I can be.


©2017 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song for our Young Women in Excellence program in January 2017. Our theme was "Bloom Where You are Planted." I was asked to find a musical number for the girls to sing. I looked for a song that would go with the theme. I didn't find anything I was satisfied with, so I decided to write my own. I have included this song in my "Get Positive" program, and it is one that several schools and groups have performed. Life may not always go the way that we want it to, and we may not end up where we wanted to be, but we can still make the best of our situation and choose to be happy regardless of our circumstances. Just like the flower that grows in the crack in the sidewalk, we can bloom wherever we are planted and be the best we can be, no matter what.