Circle of Love

Song Lyrics

Circle of Love

We have a light of love inside,
A light from God we cannot hide.
We share this light by how we live,
The words we speak and the love we give.

We'll build a circle of love to span our lives.
We'll start a flame of friendship that never dies.
For a circle of love will never end.
Let's join in the circle as sisters and as friends.

If someone walks all alone
Without a friend and far from home,
We'll open our arms and take her hand,
And she will know she has a friend.

We'll build a circle of love to span our lives.
We'll start a flame of friendship that never dies.
For a circle of love will never end.
Let's join in the circle as sisters and as friends.

Together we will join our hands
As friends who care and understand,
That everyone who comes our way
Will feel our love and want to stay.

We'll build a circle of love to span our lives.
We'll start a flame of friendship that never dies.
For a circle of love will never end.
Let's join in the circle as sisters and as friends.

©Copyright 1990 by Sherri Boekweg


The Story Behind the Song

The Stake Young Women camp director approached me one day and asked if I would write a song for their camp that could become a standard. I agreed and began the long process of writing a song. I remember thinking about what the girls at camp need. I remembered my own camp experiences and the need for acceptance and friendship in that setting. I knew that what was needed in camp was to build a circle of love as sisters and as friends. As I began to pen the words and compose the music, the inspiration came. I know the song was inspired and I was simply the instrument through which the Lord could convey his message. After making some revisions, I presented the song to the camp director and she was happy. I first taught it to the girls in our ward and we recorded it with the harmony. Then copies were made for each ward so they could sing it together at camp. It is hard to describe the feelings I had as I heard all of the girls at camp stand in a large circle with arms around each other and sing
We'll build a circle of love to span our lives
We'll build a flame of friendship that never dies,
For a circle of love will never end.
Let's join in the circle as sisters and as friends.

The song did become a standard and was sung in the same manner each year at camp. I also shared this song with young women leaders of others Stakes as well. I am grateful for the message of the song and being able to share it with others.

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Purchase Sheet Music

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at