Sing Alleluia

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

Sing Alleluia

We need some peace on earth--we need good will to men.

We need to seek our King and follow Him again.

We need a Christmas star to fill our souls with light.

We need to hear the song the angels sang that night.

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing and praise Him once again.

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing peace on earth,

Good will to men. 

Our King was born this night and He has shown the way

He gives us hope and light amid our darkest day

His peace on earth will come and fill our aching hearts

As we believe in Him and let his good will start. 

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing and praise Him once again.

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing peace on earth,

Good will to men. 

We’ll find our peace in Christ who brings good will to men.

We’ll come on bended knee to our Savior and our friend.

And like the Christmas star His love is shining bright

To heal each broken heart and fill our souls with light.  

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing and praise Him once again.

Sing alleluia, Sing alleluia, 

Sing peace on earth,

Good will to men.

©2020 Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song in December of 2020, the year that we were dealing with the effects of the COVID19 epidemic. It was a year when there was so much division and rioting and hate in our country, and the inspiration for this song came because I felt that we really needed Christmas that year. We really needed peace on earth. We really needed good will toward men. We really needed the Christmas spirit like no other time. I was so grateful to be the instrument that God used to bring this beautiful song about and to be able to share it with others.  I loved the message from Russell M. Nelson that year that goes very well with the message of this song.
My dear friends, as we near the end of a challenging year, one that may feel to many as a time of uncertainty and darkness, let us never forget that the light of hope still shines brightly. Jesus Christ is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. As we turn our hearts to Him, He will pour out His love for us in unmeasured ways. I wish you all a very merry and hope-filled Christmas season.  Russell M. Nelson