Our Bridge of Love

Our Bridge of Love Voice and Piano Page 1

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Song Lyrics

Our Bridge of Love
©2021 by Sherri Boekweg

When I’m unsure you take my hand
You lift me up and help me stand
You are my wings when I must fly
You give me strength when I have to fight

Now step by step and dream by dream
Right by your side I want to be
Our flame of friendship now has grown
Into the greatest love I’ve ever known

And we will climb the highest mountains together
Standing strong through every storm that comes our way
As long as you are by my side
There is no ocean that’s too wide
There is no chasm that’s too deep
For us to rise above,
Finding strength as we build our bridge of love.

Now you’re my prince and I’m your princess
And our dream of love is finally coming true
I can’t believe there could be someone so perfect for me
Or a deeper love than what I share with you.

I want to keep you in my heart and arms forever
For I’m so grateful God has given you to me
And though it took so long to find you I would do it all again
You’re Ythe answer to the dream I hoped could be.

And we will climb the highest mountains together
Standing strong through every storm that comes our way
As long as you are by my side
There is no ocean that’s too wide
There is no chasm that’s too deep
For us to rise above,
Finding strength as we build our bridge of love.

So I’ll do anything to make you mine forever
For there isn’t any price too high to pay
To be sure that we will always be together
And to have our love grow deeper every day.

And we will climb the highest mountains together
Standing strong through every storm that comes our way
As long as you are by my side
There is no ocean that’s too wide
There is no chasm that’s too deep
For us to rise above,
Finding strength as we build our bridge of love.

Finding strength as we build our bridge of love.

©Copyright 2021 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

This is a song I wrote for my daughter's wedding in 2021. The words reflect her love of the mountains and hiking and his love for building and working with wood. My daughter also plays the ocarina, so I included that instrument in the accompaniment. The climax of the song is the bridge which rises in melody just like the hopes of always being together and growing closer in love. The temple in the picture represents the sealing for all eternity that can happen in the temple so that marriage can last forever, not just till the end of this life.