One Step From Heaven

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

One Step from Heaven

This is the moment I’ve waited for,

A dream that I knew would come true.

Hands that are clean and a heart that’s pure

Are my gifts of love for you.

When I first saw you looking at me

I saw Heaven’s light in your eyes.

I saw a glimpse of eternity

The moment you stood by my side.

Now each step we take moves us close to forever.

Together we’ll find the way to stay

One step from Heaven, and love is the key 

that unlocks the door to eternity.

With your hand in mine we can build our forever,

Just waiting for you and for me.

It doesn’t matter if we’re rich or poor

Or if we have nice clothes to wear.

What matters most is a love that’s sure

And two hearts that always will care.

I promise you there always will be

A place for you here in my heart,

And I will cherish your love for me

That shines like a light in the dark.

Now each step we take moves us close to forever.

Together we’ll find the way to stay

One step from Heaven, and love is the key 

that unlocks the door to eternity.

With your hand in mine we can build our forever,

Just waiting for you and for me.

©Copyright 1994 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

When my husband's sister Grace was engaged to be married to her husband Alan, my mother-in-law asked me to write a song to sing at her wedding.  When she described the message she would like, she told me of how Grace and Alan had kept themselves pure for each other and that they could come before the Lord with clean hands and pure hearts. What a blessing it is to enter the temple, and to make eternal covenants, so that you can stay “one step from Heaven,” and “unlock the door to eternity.” Now, many years later, Grace and Alan continue to build their forever, now with their beautiful family at their side.