Looking Upward

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

Song Lyrics

Looking Upward

There you are today, so happy, gazing in each other's eyes.
Now you raise the hanging curtain and you see beyond the skies.
Tak-ing time to say "I Love You" and a kiss to seal your love.
Make a promise of forever with your Father up above.

Looking up-ward, ever upward,
Taking one more step you climb
Till you reach that star in heaven.
Love will last beyond all time.

Now you step into tomorrow to face the challenge of each day.
You'll walk together through each trial and through each stormy night you'll stay.
You will see those shining faces look so trusting in your own.
You will hold them for a momentthe little seeds you plant will grow.

Looking up-ward, ever upward,
Taking one more step you climb
Till you reach that star in heaven.
Love will last beyond all time.

Keep your face toward the sunshine for you've traveled oh, so far.
You will know the joy of heaven when you reach that glorious star.
And the day when Father calls you and you step in-to his throne,
In each other's arms you'll linger for you'll know that you are home.

©Copyright 1980 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song for my brother David and his wife Linda when they were married in 1980. I remember getting the melody for the chorus in my head and singing it over and over to myself before I had a chance to write it down. I thought I wouldn’t forget it. However, I did forget it. When I went to write it down it wasn’t there. I prayed, and asked Heavenly Father to please help me remember the melody. My prayer was answered, and I was able to finish the song. I sang it for David and Linda at their wedding and later, one of my close friends sang it at my own reception.