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To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

If Jesus Came Today SSA Thumbnail

If Jesus Came Today Choir Bundle $15.00

Song Lyrics


If Jesus Came Today

If Jesus came today would I be ready?
Would I have lived my life as he would have me do?
Could I stand before his face and know that I would have a place
With him because in all things I was true?

If Jesus came today would I be worthy
To enter in his holy temple dressed in white?
Could I freely walk inside knowing I had really tried
To ever be found worthy in his sight?

Each day I'll try to follow his example,
To love the way he loves me endlessly,
To only do those things that bring his spirit,
That when he comes again he'll smile on me.

If Jesus came today would I be willing
To do whatever he should ask of me to do?
Do I heed the words I hear from his prophet wise and dear
As though it were his own voice coming through?

If Jesus came today would I be ready?
Yes, I will live my life as he would have me do?
Then I'll stand before his face and know that I will have a place
With him because in all things I am true.
And ready will I be if I am true.

©Copyright 2001 by Sherri Boekweg


The Story Behind the Song

One morning I woke up early and had the inspiration for this song. I hurried to the computer where I wrote the words and the music together. Less than two hours later the song was finished and printed. I gave a copy to my older daughters and sang it for them during our devotional. They both loved it, especially Rebecca. I knew it was inspired because it came together so fast and I did not have to do revisions later. The accompaniment and harmony were later written for Rebecca, Lisa, and I to sing it together in Sacrament Meeting. This song is reflective of our personal worthiness before God. The message reminds us of the importance of being ready when Jesus comes again. As we ask ourselves if we are ready to meet the Savior, we can ask if we have lived the way he wants us to? Are we worthy to enter the temple? Are we willing to do whatever he asks of us? Do we heed the words of the prophet? The middle section of the song contains a resolve to follow the Savior’s example and live in such a way that we invite the Spirit. I have had several opportunities to sing this song in several wards in our area, and I always feel that I am sharing an important message when I sing it. It has been expecially enjoyable to sing it with my daughters.