I Love the Book of Mormon

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To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.


I Love the Book of Mormon

I love The Book of Mormon--it is the word of God.
It testifies of Jesus and the gospel that He taught.
I love to read the stories of heroes of faith
Like Ammon and Moroni and Abinadi so brave.
I'll read The Book of Mormon--I know it shows the way,
And I will feel its power as it strengthens me each day.
I'll follow its teachings in all that I do.
I will read it, I will live it, I will share it,
For I know The Book of Mormon is true. 
I love The Book of Mormon. I'll read it every day.
I'll read the words of Jesus when the people heard him pray.
I'll read about the children he blessed one by one
And valiant stripling warriors -- two thousand faithful sons.
I'll read The Book of Mormon--I know it shows the way,
And I will feel its power as it strengthens me each day.
I'll follow its teachings in all that I do.
I will read it, I will live it, I will share it,
For I know The Book of Mormon is true.
I will read it, I will live it, I will share it,
For I know The Book of Mormon is true.

©2018 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I got the idea for this song during church one Sunday and wrote down this phrase as a starting point for the song: "I will share it for I know the Book of Mormon is true." It was July 15, 2018. After church I worked on the song and had it finished soon after. Within two weeks I had created a choir arrangement for the song and my choir performed it in September. I know it was truly inspired. I wrote this song for my grandchildren to help them internalize the importance of the Book of Mormon, and hoping it would help them to understand the power of the Book of Mormon and to help them love it and want to read it and share it.