I Am a Child of God and So I Stand Tall


I Am a Child of God, and So I Stand Tall

I am a child of God, and so I stand tall

For He gives me strength to rise whenever I fall.

He is my anchor, the strength that I feel

Knowing I am His child, and His love for me is real.

I am a child of God, so I will stand firm

Holding fast to the values

and the truths I have learned.

He is always beside me so I’m never alone

As I follow His covenant path to my Heavenly home.

So when I question who I am or if I am of worth,

And if I ever wonder what my purpose is on earth,

I only need remember that I’m a child of God,

And that makes all the difference—

I am a child of God.

I am a child of God, and so I have hope

For each mountain I’m asked to climb

He’ll be holding my rope

He has promised me blessings if I will endure,

So I’ll trust Him and know that His promise is sure.

Yes, I’m a child of God,

And His promises are sure.

©2021 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

The idea for this song came many years ago with the melody and words of the first line "I am a child of God and so I stand tall." Then in 2021 the BYU Women's Conference was asked for people to submit songs to go along with the theme of "I Am a Child of God and His Promises Are Sure." That gave me the inspiration and the motivation to finish writing the song. The original lyrics for the 2nd verse were different than the ones here.

"I am a child of God, so I am enough, and although I'm imperfect I am worthy of His love. He accepts me for who I am and for what I can give. I will always be enough to Him each day that I live.”

When I shared the original lyrics with my bishop and asked if he thought it would be appropriate to share in Relief Society he shared some very inspired counsel with me. He told me that the message of the lyrics of the second verse might be misunderstood that the Lord will accept us and we’ll be enough, no matter what we do or the choices we make. But we are never enough on our own without relying on the Savior and his atonement. I changed the lyrics, and they were better, but they didn’t seem just right. Then with a few more revisions, I was able to be inspired with the current lyrics of the second verse, which I was very happy with.

“I am a child of God so I will stand firm, holding fast to the values and the truths I have learned. He is always beside me, so I’m never alone as I follow His covenant path to my heavenly home.”