A Drop of Kindness

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To purchase the sheet music please contact Sherri Boekweg directly at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com. You can pay with Venmo or PayPal.

Song Lyrics

A Drop of Kindness

Drop a little kindness everywhere you go
'Cause where that kindness leads you may not ever know
A little drop of kindness is what everybody needs
So take the time to do those little kindly deeds. A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
You can make a difference
With each kindness that you share.
A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
Let’s change the world by sharing

Drops of kindness everywhere.

It shouldn’t make a difference
where the kindness falls
For kindness knows no boundaries
And should be the same for all.
No matter race or color or political view,
For everybody needs it—

even those unkind to you,

A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
You can make a difference
With each kindness that you share.
A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
Let’s change the world by sharing
Drops of kindness everywhere.
For kindness is like magic in the good that it will do,
So watch the magic work when kindness starts with you.
A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
You can make a difference
With each kindness that you share.
A drop of kindness here
A drop of kindness there
Let’s change the world by sharing
Drops of kindness everywhere.
©Copyright 2022 by Sherri Boekweg


The Story Behind the Song

This song was inspired by the poem "Drop a Pebble in the Water" by James W. Foley, specifically the part about the ripple effects of dropping a word of kindness.