Stand As a Witness

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I Will Stand As a Witness

We are God's children, of highest worth.
We made a promise before our birth
That we would stand firm in defending truth
And stand as a witness while in our youth.
We will stand for the Savior, 
We'll stand for right 
In all we do and say.
We will hold up the banner
Of truth and light. 
We will stand as a witness each day.
We will have courage to make a right choice
And follow the promptings of the Still, Small Voice,
Then when we are faced with temptation and sin
We'll find the strength of the Lord within.
We will stand for the Savior, 
We'll stand for right 
In all we do and say.
We will hold up the banner
Of truth and light. 
We will stand as a witness each day.
As His covenant children, united we stand,
The torch of the gospel held high in our hands,
As we follow His plan.
We will stand on the covenant path
In all we do, in all we say,
Holding high His truth and light,
We will stand as a witness each day.
We will stand on the covenant path
And stand as a witness each day.


©1991 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song when I was serving as a young women leader in 1991. I wrote it for the girls to sing at our Young Women in Excellence program. It was inspired by the Young Women motto: "Stand for Truth and Righteousness," and also inspired by the words in the Young Women Theme that say "We will stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places." The words in the song "the torch of the gospel held high in our hands" were inspired by the Young Women logo of a torch which represents holding up the torch of truth. The original version of this song included lyrics specifically referring to young women: "We are choice daughters of highest worth" and "As daughters of promise, united we stand." When serving as the choir director in my ward in 2020, I revised the song and arranged it for my choir to sing. Those previous words were changed to "We are God's children of highest worth" and "As his covenant children, united we stand, the torch of the gospel held high in our hands as we follow his plan." I also added the descant on the final chorus and ended the song with "we will stand on the covenant path, and stand as a witness each day."