God Hears My Prayers

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

Song Lyrics

God Hears My Prayers

Young Joseph had a question, and so he asked of God.

He prayed to know which church to join and where the truth was taught.

God heard his prayer and answered him and told him what to do.

And Joseph knew within his heart that what he heard was true.


Young Joseph had a work to do And God showed him the way.

But if he did not understand he knew that he could pray.

God heard his prayer and answered him and told him what to do,

And Joseph knew within his heart that what he heard was true.


Whenever I have questions and I don't know the way

I can be like Joseph I'll ask of God and pray.

God hears my prayers and answers me and tells me what to do,

And I can know within my heart That what I hear is true.

©Copyright 2019 by Sherri Boekweg


The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song for my grandchildren in commemoration of the bicentennial of the Restoration of the Gospel, which is our focus in 2020. Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, invited us to immerse ourselves "in the glorious light of the Restoration" and to share the message of the restoration. I had thought it would be nice to write a song about the restoration, and the words of this song came easily. It is a simple message: Just as Joseph asked of God when he had a question or needed help, I can ask of God when I have a question or need help, and he will hear my prayer and answer me.