This Treasured Love

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

This Treasured Love

I’ve waited for this day for oh, so long,
To finally find the place where we belong.
Cross the miles I always felt your love for me,
It gave me strength and set me free.


Now here we are, just me and you.
The dream we held on for so long is coming true.
And you are mine for all eternity.
This treasured love, blessed from above,
Raises our view to what our love can be.


With you I find the joy in everything.
You gave my heart a song that it can sing.
You have lifted me to heights I never knew,
My greatest friend I found in you.


Now here we are, just me and you.
The dream we held on for so long is coming true.
And you are mine for all eternity.
This treasured love, blessed from above,
Raises our view to what our love can be.


We can climb higher now than we could before.
Love gives us wings to fly and keeps our anchor sure.


Now here we are, just me and you.
The dream we held on for so long is coming true.
And you are mine for all eternity.
This treasured love, blessed from above,
Raises our view to what our love can be.

©Copyright 2011 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

I wrote this song as a gift for Rebecca and Alex when they got married. We knew they were going to get married before Rebecca left on her mission. I had wanted to write a nice song for them that they could sing together, so I was glad that I would have a year and a half to do it. I wrote the chorus first, but the verses didn’t come until much later. In fact, I was writing possibilities for lyrics and melodies while traveling on the airplane to pick up Rebecca in the Philippines at the end of her mission. I decided to type them into a notepad on my iphone and email it to myself so I would for sure have it. But somehow, after I got it all typed up, I deleted it, and I couldn’t figure out how to get it back, so I had to try and remember it and wrote the lyrics in a notebook and wrote the song out on manuscript paper. But I accidentally left the notebook and manuscript paper on the seat in the airplane when we arrived at our destination. Disappointed, I tried to remember the melody and lyrics that I had written down, but just could not make it come together. About the time I was ready to give up, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to write the song after all, inspiration came through and I was able to write the song as it is now. The melody and many of the words are different, but I think it ended up being a better song than the original would have been. I guess it was actually a blessing to lose the original composition. It was very special to hear Rebecca and Alex sing it together – just as I had envisioned—at their wedding breakfast.