It's Birthday Time for Jesus

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

To purchase sheet music for this song please contact Sherri Boekweg at

Song Lyrics

It's Birthday Time for Jesus

You don't need to have a tree to have Christmas
And you don't need a wreath on your door.
There doesn't have to be any Santa
Or all the fancy gifts from the store.
There doesn't have to be any presents
Or stockings or lights on the tree.
For Christmas is more than a party.
It's birthday time for Jesus, you see.
If the world could give a present to Jesus
Then everyone would have a friend.
And nobody would ever be lonely
And peace would be on earth once again.
And nobody would have to go hungry
For sharing would come naturally,
And we'd all know the reason for Christmas.
It's birthday time for Jesus, you see.
It's all about the child in the manger.
It's all about the life that he lived.
That's why we sing the carols of Christmas
And why it is the season to give.
So when you gather round with your family
The best celebration will be
When Christmas is more than a party.
It's birthday time for Jesus, you see.
So remember the reason for Christmas.
It's birthday time for Jesus, you see.
©2009 by Sherri Boekweg

The Story Behind the Song

This is the first Christmas song written primarily for my young daughters, Jennifer and Jessica, to sing. I wrote the melody and first verse one day, and then I forgot about it. It would have been left unfinished had I not come across it a year later while going through some music I had stored. I revised and finished it and my daughters enjoyed singing and performing it. The message is an important one. You don’t need all the Christmas things to have Christmas, because that’s not what it is all about. It is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The second verse suggests that the gift the world could best give to Jesus would be to love and care for each other and to remember him at Christmas time. Then a few years later I added the third verse when I had my Shine Show Choir perform this song.
